Your Problems...
You have dissatisfied customers due to the following :
No clear cut ecommerce store policies
issues at the time of check out related to address, emails, contact number etc
Automated email responses not generated, wrongly configured or bouncing
Improper invoice generation
Proposed Solution...
Activation of the following features :
Store policies as defined by you
Create invoice correctly for each order
Customize check out
Customize e-mail notifications
The Process...
Initial Meeting – to know your specific needs
Analyzing your business, website and your business policies
Drafting Scope of work
Finalize rounds of amendments
Website Testing and Deployment
Training and handover
Your Gains...
Increased exposure and brand awareness
Improved conversions rate
Satisfied customers due faster communication and better service
Increased social sharing leading to greater outreach of your business
Simple business processes and making them faster and efficient
Increase in productivity of organization
Internet businesses and earnings have unknown risks. Monetary benefits will depend upon many factors like demand for your product/ services, your business skills and practices, your marketing efforts, etc.
Base price for Wix Store Settings is USD 199 plus taxes as applicable at the time
Final price will depend upon your specific needsas get defined in the Initial e-Meeting​
The prices are only for optimizing existing Wix website.
website’s ability
digitize business
Take Action:
For solutions to your specific needs or pain points:
Write to us at info@wix.productions
Schedule a meeting with us
Please Accept the proposal to kick-start the project
We need some motivation! Please Submit initial payment of 50% of the final price to get first draft of scope of work
Collaborating With You
For Your Growth...
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is a success.
- Henry Ford
Our Solutions...
We are providing multiple services based on Wix Platform